
" I really love the lip balm. It doesn't burn my lips and it's smooth! "

- Sharon



" I love the sun & sand candles and melts, the whole house smells like it! "

- Alexis



" Started out with the apples & berries candle first. Smells amazing! Trying mulberry tomorrow. Any interested in amazing scents & products please check out Kennedy Health And Wellness. "

- Tammy



" Awesome scents and excellent customer service highly recommend!! "

- Dillion



"I love the oatmeal milk!! It helps my skin look and feel 10x better!!! Thank you again!!💖"

- Nicole



"We just had our SECOND order delivered and you guys….The Apple Butter Caramel 🤤🍎

Holy cow! We’ve found our forever LOCAL company for our lotions and body care. If you are contemplating on ordering, do it!!"

- Sarah



"Found new lotion that 100% will work for my dry skin! Can’t wait to use it!
Of course had to buy some lip balm to try it out too!"

- Julie


"By the way, so many "trails" of lotion etc, has failed - the scent was either too strong or gave me a headache - YOUR ITEMS - all great!! Can't wait to get the Melts. !!"

- Nancy


"Fall has officially hit. Love my new candles!
The product is amazing!"

- Julie


"Today purchased the Body Lotion - Cool Water .... oh my goodness - the fragrance..... perfection. I'll be back!!! (also LOVE the lip balm) Great Products!!!"

- Nancy


"I got my order yesterday and holy wow! If you haven’t bought a fall scent yet, do not wait on it."

🍁🍂FALL LEAVES 🍂🍁 is my new favorite!

- Sarah


"Thank you for the lovely handmade soaps, lotions and candle, they are amazing already"

- Olivia


"I highly recommend every single product! Everything smells absolutely amazing! I can't emphasize enough that these candles are wayyyyy better than any candle you'll ever buy, and yes there better than bed bath and works I said what I said. Great prices, fast shipping, and incredibly nice and generous people they are. Buy these candles and leave your house smelling great! Also buy there lotions and leave your skin feeling so smooth! Sending lots of love and support!"

- Dayna